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Inter-Universal Protectors
The Guardians of Creation have emerged!
The Balance Keepers are responsible for keeping balance throughout Creation. In order to do this, they have been gifted the power of the First Beings Naiu (Good, Light, Order) and Naka (Evil, Darkness, Chaos). The Keepers and their two worlds have been fighting since the beginning of time in a battle simply known as the Forgotten War.
But something has changed this generation. The chosen Balance Keepers are the last people anyone would have expected! The Keeper of Naiu: An over-powered, trouble making, immortal Goddess. The Keeper of Naka: A soft-but-well spoken, intelligent, kind and powerful mortal Queen.
A battle to end the War, searching for the lost Queen, a threat from Beyond, all leading to one major event only to find even that isn’t the end? How hard can keeping the Balance possibly be?